Battle for Xilos

Beyond the Gates of Antares

Submitting a Battle Report is easy, just follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to the system, if you don’t have an account you can register for FREE.
Step 2: Click on the Create Mission link in the navigation bar
Step 3: Create a Mission for you and your opponent to play, here you can select the episode you wish to play in as well as the mission and the size of the game. Each Episode Briefing gives suggestions for which scenarios to play – the relevant scenario from the Battle for Xilos book, another scenario from the Beyond The Gates Of Antares Rulebook or even your own custom mission.
Step 4: Once submitted your battle can found found in your Command Console page under Your Missions In Progress – Submit Result (most recent at the top).
Step 5: Click on the Battle Report you wish to edit/publish. In this page you will see a handy checklist of things you can do to improve your battle report (more about this in a minute).
Step 6: Clicking the Edit / Publish Your Battle will allow you to update the various fields and information in your battle report.
In here you can also upload and your images and army lists, as well as add embed a YouTube video. PLEASE make sure to read what file types/sizes can be uploaded as well as what part of the YouTube video url is required.
Step 7: As you update various aspects of your battle report, you’ll receive additional XP to improve your rank once the report has been published.
Improving your report helps you and your faction. A more fleshed out, interesting report gives you extra XP as explained but also gives you a better chance of getting better star ratings and more commendations from your fellow commanders. Higher ratings and more commendations give you more achievements leading to more XP and a higher rank.
The more interesting, well rated reports your faction has the better chance it has in shaping the final outcome of the battle.
Step 8: When your report is created it is private and won’t be visible to anyone else until you publish it. To publish, when editing change the Live Status to Public and submit.
PLEASE NOTE Once a battle report has been made public it cannot be set back to private, so make sure you have it as complete as wish it to be. A half complete published report may give you AND your faction lower rating and less commendations.
Step 9: If your opponent has an account and created a report covering the same battle you can link them to give both commander’s extra XP (once both battles have been made public). In the checklist you will see a code:
To link get the code from your opponent’s battle report or vice-versa. In the edit screen the code goes into the first field Opponent Battle Code. For a link to be successful the information in each report must match E.g. Episodes must be the same, If they said they won your report must say you lost etc.
PLEASE NOTE Its is best practise to ensure that the details of each report are correct before linking. Once a link has been made certain changes to the reports cannot be made by commander’s.
Once a link is successful your report will let others know that this is the case and provides a icon to click to view the other one. Incase you’re wondering linked battles is only counted once per battle in the statistics and data of the campaign and not per report.
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